Monday, March 2, 2009

G-Funk postponed/Other things important to discuss!

I have decided to postpone the G-Funk talk to another time.

What is really on my mind is that two of my favorite musical acts have decided to call it quits in the music business and start to write.

The first of the two is the Silver Jews main man David Berman.

This actually makes sense. He is a some kind of wordsmith that has been verified. I cannot remember the acutal word. Anyway, he wants to write a screenplay or something. He also is a published author of poems.

He has had lots of issues with substance abuse in the past, plus his father is Richard Berman, known as "Dr. Evil" in the lobbyist world. From what I have read, I understand why he is upset with his dad.

I wish him and Cassie, his wife and bass player well. I hope he finds the happiness that has eluded him for a while.

The other person that has quit the music business is Ryan Adams. What I find interesting is that he quits the music business to write poetry and then decides to marry pop starlet Mandy Moore. Why??????????? Perhaps he wants to be like David Berman. However, I think Ryan's ego problem has only gone out of control with him being sober and stuff. This can only lead to a bad breakdown if the marriage does not happen or it goes south after a couple of weeks or months.

You only need to see how many songs he wrote about Beth Orton when she dumped him.

My advice to Mandy would be to have the boy tested; as from things that I have read, he is a walking social disease. So, while I have enjoyed most of his music, unlike the Joos, it started to go south after Cold Roses. If you want pure Ryan Adams, check out his releases with Whiskeytown and solo stuff up to Cold Roses. My friend Brad,(the dude in the St. Louis hat) would probably disagree with me on this, but since he is not writing this, too bad.

Finally, I want to send a shout out to the peeps who continue to read this (you know who you are) and if by chance you stumble upon this blog, thanks for hanging around to read.

Peace Out Playas

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