Why is it that music, being marketed and played on the radio, SUX! Now I am not one to judge what other people listen to (I have become more tolerant of others and their poor music selection, Becca being one of them {though I do love her very much}), but come on, what is it that is driving these people to listen to this stuff.
Maybe I was raised differently that others, maybe I have an ear for good taste in music. Ok, maybe I just have an ego bigger than others, but I have not listened to any radio station that is commercial in a long time.
If you remember the early and mid 90's, the radio stations almost went the way of playing decent music, but then the boy bands came on the scene and that was where the teens were. Why do teens drive the music industry? I understand they have disposable income that is only spent on crap they think they need, but what about those who have jobs and live on their own (my apologies to those still living at home and are my age).
I have a feeling my audience is currently near or just a slight bit older than what I am. With that, I say, never stop exploring new sounds and new music.
For instance, I have been dropping Mos Def on my Zune and I have been impressed with his lyrical attack. I also have been kicking new Son Volt (I have met the dude with the patch in his hair after a concert here in Chattvegas, cool guy),
and have almost given up on Wilco.
Keep the peace and no more def jam in the holy land!