He used to be on about every year and now he is gone just like the time he made the Statue of Liberty disappear. What was it that I liked about him? Was it the cool hair? Maybe the use of a famous name in literature? Perhaps it was the scantily claded women? I think it was his sense of humor and groovy music.
Now he found the fountain of youth about a year ago on an island he bought and thwarted theft in my old stomping grounds of WPB, FL (he fits in there because he's one of the beautiful people). However, no new specials. I remember the Magic of David Copperfield sponsored by Kraft.
Thanks to whatever David did to me while I watched, I am now a believer for anything Kraft. Maybe subliminal suggestions, who knows? Nevertheless, I still miss good illusionists.
I read somewhere that David got his secrets from master illusionist and former Canadian parliment member, Doug Henning (5/3/1947-2/7/2000).
He left magic to follow the Maharishi Maresh Yogi,
the same one who hung out with the Beatles and started the transcendental mediation movement (TM) and the Natural Law Party and their perpetual candidate for president, Dr. John Hagelin
What I find interesting is that John Hagelin was the Reform party candidate last go around. You might remember the previous candidates for president from the Reform party:
I still miss David Copperfield and Master Illusionist Doug Henning. Maybe David will do commercials for Chrysler just like Doug did and if not, maybe he will do a deathmatch with David Blaine for supreme magician of the world.
Next up, what ever happened to pong or who's in charge of the government and their cheese?